Apr 14, 2015

Yes, I am still alive....

Hello Readers! 

I have honestly missed you, this blog, and knowing that my thoughts and adventures are not lost somewhere in cyberspace, but are instead, hopefully, being enjoyed, albeit second-hand.


Have I got some news for you. 

I don't know how many of you have been following this blog since its inception (i.e. Freshman year), but if you have been one of those lucky few (translation: I am so sorry), you will know that every year around this time, I do everything in my power to get a good job that allows me to stay in the city over the summer. Sadly, my attempts have failed..... until now. 

That's right!

My first summer in the city and you will have exclusive access to my adventures which will be numerous considering I will have all the time in the world to explore (when I'm not working, of course). 

I honestly cannot wait to experience New York City in the summer, seeing as how the only way I've really experienced it is 14 degrees and snowing (it's only just now starting to get into the 60's for all you who are wondering *Praise God from whom all blessings flow*).

I hope you are as excited as I am. If you aren't, chances are you are someone from back home who is thinking you won't be able to see me at all until Christmas. To that, I respond: Free couch and a tour of NYC. 

AAAAHHHHHH Someone pinch me because this has to be a dream! 

Catch ya later peeps.... 
