May 23, 2015

Battery Park City Run

Hello from a 70 degrees and sunny NYC! Or at least what was... 

At the moment I am staring up at the ceiling of my summer apartment. I have fallen off the couch and have failed to get back up out of sheer, overwhelming laziness. After a grueling finals week, summer is F.I.N.A.L.L.Y. here, and I want to revel in every ounce of pure and well-earned lethargy. 

This is the view of the East River from my couch when one is sitting upright. I could spend all day just watching the boats go by... and one of these days I might... just because I can.

May 17, 2015

And then summer came.

Happy Summer lovelies!

I cannot believe I survived finals week.... The loss of hope and sanity is evident when half-way through the week you find yourself sitting on the floor watching vines at 3am, eating week-old mac-and-cheese, and laughing and crying at the same time. Totally not me... that was my roommate...  anywho....

I have found myself in yet another crazy situation, but this time it is over moving out of my lovely apartment that I've had for two years. It's going to be so hard to leave this place. I knew once I got it that any apartment I get in my post-grad life is essentially going to be a downgrade from this one... oh well. I'm sitting on my couch relaxing at the moment and finishing my roommate's pino grigio. Not quite a fan of white wines.. but this one isn't bad, and honestly, anything tastes good after cleaning the apartment all day. All the windows are open and there's a nice summer breeze coming in. I'm also entertaining the entire neighborhood with this song at the moment....

This is the first time I've had the chance to take a breather all semester and I am so thankful for it. Between five classes and 20+ hours a week at my internship (not to mention the hours I spent commuting), I have forgotten what just sitting with nothing to do feels like. There are 9 months worth of Strand purchases that I am looking forward to starting on. Also, I have the distinct honor this summer of creating another map quilt (see pic below) for two of my friends who are expecting their first baby. I am so excited that I will be in the city for her birth! For those of you wanting to know if I can make one of these for you... I'll be making them available on my Etsy shop soon!