Aug 27, 2014

Lazy Wednesday Morning Update

Among the many things I love about this city is the simple fact that no matter how long it has been since you lived there last, it has no qualms about taking you back in to its fast-paced, honest-to-a-fault, go-hard-or-go-home family. I realize that makes little to no sense, but that is the thought that woke me up on this beautiful Wednesday morning. I have no classes today which made everything just a little bit better too. 

My summer was so crazy that it didn't even feel like summer. Usually those three months are filled with lazy afternoons basking in the sun and reading to my heart's content. On the contrary, when I wasn't traveling clear across the continent, I was working three jobs just so that being a broke college student, I could have something to eat over the semester. I began THIS book in early May, and I have yet to reach the half-way mark (to give you an idea of how insanely busy I was).

I am currently writing this from my surprisingly quiet apartment (same one as last year). There is a beautiful clear-blue sky outside, therefore, this post is likely to be short... when there is sunshine in the city, you have no excuse to miss it. 

In other news, my house took home second in The Great Race this year! If you don't know what that is, click HERE. I was on the running team as usual, and after four grueling hours running through the city on probably the hottest day of the year, we made it to the finish line in one piece. Here's a picture of the house with all the new freshies!

If you have no idea what on earth I'm talking about when I say "house," here's a little explanation: My school is kinda like Hogwarts in the sense that when you enroll for the first time, you are "sorted" into one of ten houses named after famous Christians in history. It's not like Greek life because you don't have a choice not to be in a house, but also because the house is more like a combination of a sorority, an academic house, and a family. House life is one of the many reasons I chose this school over so many others... 

I have a feeling this is going to be a really great year. I'm hoping among many other things that I can effectively balance school and work, that I can do well academically, and on top of that, that I have time to enjoy this incredible city. 

One last thing, if you haven't already, please subscribe to my blog! Doing so means you automatically get notified when I post anything new, which means you visit my blog often, which makes me very, very happy. It's a win-win situation ;) 

One last pic that I took as I was landing in LGA: 


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