Jun 9, 2015

Eats Excursion: Artichoke Bastille's Pizza

G'day Y'all!

Boredom and cabin fever found me in the East Village last week to explore, but mostly to experience the wonder that is Artichoke Bastille's pizza.

This place is just about as New York as it gets, in regards to Pizza. Their EV location is a charming little hole-in-the-wall with vintage embellished ceilings and chandeliers. There is a dining room next door, but to get a single slice (like I did) there are benches out in front--perfect for a casual night out.

While their signature slice is their Artichoke pizza (a savory white pie), I couldn't resist trying what seems like the combination of all that is good in the world: Crab pizza. *Angel choir in background* 

Seriously though... Imagine the best crab dinner you've ever had--sauce, butter, and an overabundance of meat--and put that on a crispy, cooked-to-perfection crust, and you get close to comprehending how incredibly delicious this is. I actually ate my slice slowly in an attempt to make it last as long as possible. And their prices aren't bad either! I paid $4.50 for my enormous slice (NY pizza slices are an entire meal). 

So this place has character, and besides the pizza, it makes the visit totally worth it. Observe: Best friend posing next to leg lamp while devouring her Margarita pizza. (If you understand the reference, I virtually salute you)

Needless to say, this is an excellent choice for a causal summer night out on the town, or if you are a tourist, an excellent taste of the real New York. I will also put forth that you should end your night by strolling through the authentically urban streets of the East Village. Interesting crowds, stimulating artwork, fascinating architecture. 

So next up, I'll be sharing my outing for Shawarma in Hell's Kitchen. But until then... 


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